
All the works are of a purely literary nature and are set on the fictional planet of Abracadabra. It has nothing to do with earthly affairs.

Tuesday, December 31, 2019

I Remember you

As the year draws to a close
I remember you
Your travails, your pain
Your happiness, your well-being
Your goodness and my shortcomings
I remember you
I remember you
As the moon traverses silently across
The foggy sky
I remember you
I remember you
As the stars alight the sky
I remember you
And as the passage of time
Continues unhindered, untethered
I remember you.
I remember you.

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

On Cold Winter Nights

On cold winter nights
When the fog roams
Over my head
I look at the stars.
I look at the long-standing trees
Throwing their long shadows around
I try to peep at the moon,
Hiding behind those trees.

Well, if you have seen
The stars, the trees, the moon
You will know that
The trees accept you
Just like you are.
They do not judge you.
They talk to you.
They listen to you.
They throw their dark and deep
Shadows over my head.
Enveloping me like a child
Letting me feel safe and sound
In their midst.
As the fog circles around my head.
On cold winter nights.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Such Boisterous Girls

Such boisterous girls
In the prime of their youth
Unshackled from the dreary routines
Of preparing for an examination
Laughing and shouting and singing as
If the world be damned
But their spaces secured

Dumping all the worries
Outside the rambling bus
Singing songs-
Of happiness
Of heartbreaks
Of separation
Of longings
Of desires.
Was it a cacophony?
Or a symphony?
Does it matter?

Relieved as if life had
Given them a chance
For redemption
For moving on
They laughed and sang
They sang and laughed

And I felt happy.

Such boisterous girls.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019


कल मैं तुम्हारी हलकी पनिहाली
आँखों में देख रहा था
शायद तुमने काजल लगाया था
ठीक से पता नहीं
लेकिन उन हलकी गहरी आँखों में मैंने
कई प्रतिबिम्बों को उभरते देखा
चलचित्र वाली फ्लैश-बैक की तरह
कई चेहरे, शिकवे, शिकायतें, आशाएं
मुस्कुराहटें और घबराहट भी
ग्रीक नाटकों वाली
ट्रेजेडी और कॉमेडी की तरह
जीवन दर्शन के सूत्र उभरते जा रहे थे
तुम्हारी हलकी पनिहाली आँखों में
एक स्वेटर सा बुनता जा रहा था
ऊन के गोले सिमटते जाते  
पैटर्न उभरता जाता

तुम्हारी आँखों में देखते-देखते
पता ही नहीं चला
दिन कब का ढल चुका था.
शायद अंतिम दृश्य उभर रहा था.
धुंधलका हो रहा था
शाम हो रही थी
जाते-जाते मैंने एक मृग को देखा
फिर वह गायब हो गया.
और तुम भी गायब हो गयी

ध्यान टूटने पर सोचा
शायद यह सब एक
मृगतृष्णा का अंश था

Friday, December 13, 2019

छोटी-छोटी मुस्कुराहटें

छोटी-छोटी मुस्कुराहटें
फ़ैल रही है अधरों के छोर पे
मंदिरों के टिमटिमाते दिए जैसे
भीनी भीनी सी खुशबू की तरह
छोटी छोटी मुस्कुराहटें

हलकी हलकी सी फुहारें
मीठी-मीठी सी तान
कुम्हलाई, अलसाई, उन्नीदी  
हलकी सी शिकन
और फिर वही
छोटी छोटी मुस्कुराहटें

Friday, July 26, 2019


As I walked the roads of this city
Taking in the convoluted smells
and polluted air
With PM 2.5 levels hovering above the danger mark.
I tasted some of its offerings.

Suddenly out of nowhere,
I recalled your round, little face and  the plump  shape of your body.
Your recognizable walk and quiet mannerism
Seemingly hiding boisterous energy inside.

I recalled that train ride
And how I scribbled in my notebook as the train started departing from the station.
Your memories that day
Filled me with sadness and emptiness
Creating a permanent void somewhere
Deep in my heart.

As I walked the familiar roads again
My mind goes back to the time
I first saw you,
Rather felt you
With the cold day stretching
Into the evening of uncertainty.

And then followed the days
Of agony and ecstasy
The joy of seeing you
With the knowledge that I
Shall never see you again
Till serendipity works its wonder.

As I walked the streets again
I remembered you
For you had created a
Permanent void inside me.

Monday, July 8, 2019

A Rainy Morning

As the first rains of the season touched my cheeks
I remembered the soft velvety touch of your lips
Moving around to soothe my frayed nerves.

The rains were falling in really tiny droplets,
Not enough even to wet the cheeks.
It formed a delicate rhythm
Like a slowly moving track
Of a song from the old times.

I remembered you Mary Oliver
I remembered your longs walks
Your everyday affair with the nature
Its bounties, its beauties shone ever
so gloriously in your delicious poems.

I looked around and saw
The world coming to life.
The green leaves beaming with joy
As if they had received a new lease of life.
Cleared of all the dust and grime that settle
On these beautiful leaves (a gift of the modern city).
They were inviting to the eye.
Looking truly resplendent,
As if their core was happy.
And their happiness slowly
Permeated the surroundings,
Radiating from the faces of the people.
Forming puddles of happiness here and there.

I looked at the green grass
Which was making every attempt
To see the world through it tiny shoots
Slowly but steadily making their way
Out of the earth.

And the people seemed to be happy
After all the city gives little reason
For them to be happy
And the rainy morning
Gave them one.
And I was happy.

Friday, June 28, 2019


ये शहर

एक बड़ा सा

जिस में कैद हैं

टूटते ख्वाब
दबी हुई सिसकियां

बुझती उम्मीदें
सूखती नदियाँ

मरते हुए पेड़
प्रदूषित हवा
गाड़ियों की चीखें

लोभ कि भट्टी में
अहंकार के ईंधन से
जलते लोग

और हम समझतें हैं कि
हम आज़ाद हैं.

सिसिफियस की तरह

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Waiting For an Honest Song

Sing me an honest song
Straight from your heart
Without the restrictions of
Rhyme or meter or
Any other technicalities.

If you find words
It is fine
If not, then
Just go with sounds.

Let it find its way out
Of your heart
Without any pretensions
Without any judgements
Without any calumnies
Without any homilies.

I shall wait for your song
With the Sisyphean belief
That someday I would
Get to hear it.

And I shall wait till that day.

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Searching for a Lodestar

When things all around
Seem to be in a broken state,
With broken people, broken hearts,
Empty souls, obverse morality
Abounding like grass in a jungle.

When things already
Seem to have fallen apart.
The Unbearable Lightness of Being
Is nowhere to be felt.
When the heaviness of circumstances
Make the will wilt like plants
On hot summer afternoons.

It is precisely in such moments that
Where do we find the wherewithal
To stand under the blazing sun?
Slowly but steadily being burnt
By its ever-glowing ember-like rays.

With the fear of the uncertain,
And the palpable sense of gloom
Clouding the judgement continuously,
Search for a lodestar
Becomes the de rigueur thing
So that we can save our souls
Even when clutching at
Straws in this ocean of life.

The lodestar would act
Like a compass of the mariner
Helping traverse the vast ocean of life
Touching ports of call
Loading cargoes of all sorts of emotions
And unloading them all especially
Love and happiness.

So, what would be the lodestar?
The texts? The word of God? (if there is any)
Morality and ethics?
Or plain common human sense
Which gets rid of obfuscations,
And shines brightly under the gaze of
human reason and compassion?

That would be another search
To be undertaken 
Ever and ever again
Till the human being struggles
And survives

After that the human being

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Discrimination and Injustice

What is injustice?
What is discrimination?
I have often wondered
About its nature.

Is it something which can be seen?
Or held or touched?
Or is it not inherently something which is felt?
Like a bucket of ice poured over the body,
Numbing it for some time, as in Lou Gehrig’s disease.
After sometime, the numbness slowly goes away
But the coldness remains.
Then, slowly it starts sinking in
Invariably leaving a bad taste in the mouth.

Discrimination, however, subtle it may be
It just stands out.
Refusing to die down immediately,
Like a chicken whose head has been 
Severed but is still flapping its wing
And is refusing to die without a fight.

Discrimination shines light upon the personalities
Of both the oppressor and the oppressed, 
Like a looking-glass.
But are the oppressor and the oppressed
Just individuals spread out somewhere 
Randomly in the universe?

As one holy book says 
When an individual commits a murder, 
It is not a single murder
But the murder of whole humanity
And so, should be injustice and discrimination
That would be one way of seeking a solution.

Thursday, June 13, 2019


That is what your parents decided to call you
Your presence has brought them
A certain sense of fulfilment
A sense of certainty and continuity
A sense of quietness and solitude
And answer to the question- What next?
And above all that sense of
Feeling good about life itself

As human beings, where
Do we go when we find
Ourselves burdened by
The enormity of day to day living?
Your presence would provide them
An escape from the existential worries that are a
Constant companion of modern-day human being

Creating your own small corner in the world
They can be proud of having carved from the
Soil of the world and circumstances
A little being which they can call their own.
Your existence now provides them
A meaning for their own existence

As you complete a year of your earthly existence
Based on the revolution of the sun and moon
I visited you and saw you in flesh and blood
You have still not becomes used to
the ceremonies that are held in your name
That would continue for a while
Until you decide to step in and
Take the reins of your life
In your own trembling hands

It is fine that we tremble,
Even be fearful when taking charge;
But it is more important that we take charge
Of our life and our circumstances
Life is sure to throw challenges
But if we could learn
To face defeat and victory
With same equanimity
Rest should take care of itself.

As usual I did not carry any gifts so here is a poem for you.

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

When Love Fades Like a Worn-out Pair of Jeans

Remember the first flush of emotions with
Blood rushing across veins
Those dates and lunches
And teas and dinners
Those umpteen number of shopping trips
With the objective of trying to spend some time together

Trying to fill some void in life
Left behind by the tide of time
Trying to build castles in the air
With a firm belief that these castles
Would hold themselves up even when 
Threatened by cyclones in life
That is what may happen when one falls in love

But then things can wear out
Love can wear out
As, slowly the observer found out
Love to be fading like a worn-out pair of jeans
The colours have already faded quietly
The fabric is torn at several places due to strains
Of time and memory
The heaviness of the middle has given way to
Indifference and normalcy
After all the habit has a habit of seeking new normal
And memory plays its own tricks

But then providence speaks up
That whatever is new is sure to get old
The wearing out process must go on continuously
There is nothing out of the ordinary

So, the observer shall wait
Till love has completely faded and wilted
And for the time being keep looking at
Love fading like a worn-out pair of jeans

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

हाथ से फिसलती रेत

कई सालों के बाद
जब मैं अपनी ज़िंदगी
के कोनों में झांक रहा था
अचानक तुम्हारा ख्याल आया  
तो समझ आया
तुम तो रेत की तरह थी
हाथ से फिसलती रेत